Today I woke up to the idea that Jack Canon and Tip are having a conversation in the Oval Office-Don't know if I'll use it yet. Deciding on the Main Plot Line- probably as follows:
China is posturing to become the number one world super power-or at least challenge the United States, how could they do it-by forcing their currency onto the Gold Standard. Why force-it causes hardship on the people-they could care less. Chinese threats of going on the gold standard will cause havoc in the American Market not to mention making our trillion debt even more cumbersome. Note; my grandfather Gain always told us to buy quality and it lasts-remember the days when if your toaster oven broke you took it to be repaired. These days you throw it out and buy a replacement...
There also are subplots I'm thinking about- the systematic elimination of terrorist elements-drug dealers-mob figures.
Philisophically Jack feels that because 8 million people have perished since WW1 in the name of peace, politics, or religion- freedom in each- he asks Tip the question; why is it acceptable to go to war when one bullet can do the job=decapitate a regime-thwart enemy efforts.
Subplot two-the human ego=people need something to fight against-the war on poverty, the war on drugs, the war on crime, we could go on forever...
Jacks goal is to unite Americans to put the same effort that goes into war into the peace-mobilize all resources.
When you care if another persons child gets an education as much as your own-we will have arrived in the school system- quote fom Vice President Anne Griffin-the Texas Tornado- Jack has to find something for Anne to stay busy with-Education might be the ticket.
Bud will marry Jacqueline- Jackie wants a White House wedding-she will be a bit of a bridezilla- she's beautiful..long strawberry blonde hair...Bud met her in a bar near his house-all the details are in my book due out January 15th.
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