Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Funny Story

Heard Back from my Publisher Today-Contract all signed and mailed back.  The next step is Kathy and I will be heading out to an Olde Railroad Station to get a picture for the cover.  Kathy was a wedding photographer before we owned Gold's Gym.  The photo will be for the publisher's website and the back  of  the book jacket.  Tonight is Wednesday night so we'll be heading over to the Estero Life Care Center to play guitar and sing for our friends over there.  What a great bunch of people and the staff that run the happy hour are true angels on earth.  It takes a lot of dedication to handle the elderly population- one plus is for some reason the folks get younger every week.  One gent named Ed started participating more and more each week and now sings several verses of Hound Dog- he steals the show!  Anna sings Here I am Lord, and basically everyone joins in for Small Town Saturday Night now.  This Blog is going to be multi-purpose, the first is to chronicle the journey through editing to publication of Jack Canon ALL IN.  I would say it's got thrills, romance, and suspense all rolled into it.  I promise you'll have to pull the covers and draw the blinds to read the climax!  The second thing I'm going to write about is Free Fitness Advice- I spent 30 years in the business- it's time to give back everything that I have learned over the years.  The third thing I'd like to do with the blog is to tell funny stories about weightlifting and living in a Gated Community.  Here's an excerpt from a post I'm working on about a funny incident that happened to my brother right after he entered a body building contest- 

Well funny thing the poor kid dieted and trained his heart out for months prior to this local show held at the University of Maine Auditorium.  He did poorly-apparently miscalculating- he mis perceived it as a weight loss contest and wasn't at his best.  I was within earshot when he walked up to one of the judges-a mean spirited - old gym rat- former power lifter- retired to ask why he hadn't placed higher.  Since this is the kicker he had placed a respectable third the year before- he considered this man an acquaintance if not a friend.  I heard as the cripplingly ego devastating verdict was delivered in just 5 miserable words..."You were small  and smooth."  Ouch...#@#%#...Small and Smooth? Who said life was fair...but, how could he be both- that's painful for an aspiring bodybuilder to hear.  The judge picked the wrong kid to mess with...

Check back for more blog later.

God Bless


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