Monday, September 24, 2012
Writing the Sequel to Jack Canon ALL In
I have not been updating the blog as often as I would like. I have started the sequel to JACK CANON ALL IN, the second book will be titled Jack Canon-Clean Sweep. The current book deals with the complexities of being President in addition to the day to day relationship dynamics. I am looking forward to blogging regularly once I get the edits back from the publisher. God Bless Everyone
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Bio Posted to the Itoh Press Website
Hi Everyone My Picture and Bio made it to the Itoh Press Website Check it out and let me know what you think. Jack Canon All In will be released Jan 15 2013
Friday, September 14, 2012
Picture for the Book Jacket sent off.
Just sent my picture off for the book cover and the publishers website. Will see if they like the side view shot. This was taken by Kathy on our lanai as the sun was setting.
The story has a lot of tenderness and romance intertwined with extreme measures to make things right in America. I hope this shot goes with that mood.
God Bless
The story has a lot of tenderness and romance intertwined with extreme measures to make things right in America. I hope this shot goes with that mood.
God Bless
My Little Girls Getting Married
My little girls getting married. Wow- 24 years old, beautiful, a nurse, she has her whole life ahead. James her finance came by the office one afternoon and asked for her hand. Little does he know the decision is totally up to her. I did give my blessing-they love each other- and I have learned that love is the most important ingredient. Kathy and Casie are busy planning the wedding-watching all the shows- who knew that one network is totally dedicated to weddings? I am looking ahead to grandchildren and reliving all the fun and wonderful things we did with our own kids when they were small. Get in the car kids we're goin for ice cream-those were the days when they had to go wherever I said. What a difference now when I see Casie once a week if I'm lucky.
Now in addition to the book, we've got the wedding-
we are truly blessed- Jame's family is very loving and open and a whole lot of fun.
I started writing the second book Jack Canon Clean Sweep and I'm excited to put the scenes in my head on paper. Lot's to write about- I'm looking forward to Disney with a junior version of my Princess- and yes that's how we raised her...
God Bless
Now in addition to the book, we've got the wedding-
we are truly blessed- Jame's family is very loving and open and a whole lot of fun.
I started writing the second book Jack Canon Clean Sweep and I'm excited to put the scenes in my head on paper. Lot's to write about- I'm looking forward to Disney with a junior version of my Princess- and yes that's how we raised her...
God Bless

Wednesday, September 12, 2012
My Journey through editing of Jack Canon-All In (Available Jan 15, 2013): Yo Yo Dieting Advance Personal Trainer Answers a Q...
My Journey through editing of Jack Canon-All In (Available Jan 15, 2013): Yo Yo Dieting Advance Personal Trainer Answers a Q...: Dear Frustrated Trainee, It sounds like your diet is taking you for a ride, gaining and losing the same ten pounds, the Yo-Yo effect, isn't ...
Funny Story
Heard Back from my Publisher Today-Contract all signed and mailed back. The next step is Kathy and I will be heading out to an Olde Railroad Station to get a picture for the cover. Kathy was a wedding photographer before we owned Gold's Gym. The photo will be for the publisher's website and the back of the book jacket. Tonight is Wednesday night so we'll be heading over to the Estero Life Care Center to play guitar and sing for our friends over there. What a great bunch of people and the staff that run the happy hour are true angels on earth. It takes a lot of dedication to handle the elderly population- one plus is for some reason the folks get younger every week. One gent named Ed started participating more and more each week and now sings several verses of Hound Dog- he steals the show! Anna sings Here I am Lord, and basically everyone joins in for Small Town Saturday Night now. This Blog is going to be multi-purpose, the first is to chronicle the journey through editing to publication of Jack Canon ALL IN. I would say it's got thrills, romance, and suspense all rolled into it. I promise you'll have to pull the covers and draw the blinds to read the climax! The second thing I'm going to write about is Free Fitness Advice- I spent 30 years in the business- it's time to give back everything that I have learned over the years. The third thing I'd like to do with the blog is to tell funny stories about weightlifting and living in a Gated Community. Here's an excerpt from a post I'm working on about a funny incident that happened to my brother right after he entered a body building contest-
Well funny thing the poor kid dieted and trained his heart out for months prior to this local show held at the University of Maine Auditorium. He did poorly-apparently miscalculating- he mis perceived it as a weight loss contest and wasn't at his best. I was within earshot when he walked up to one of the judges-a mean spirited - old gym rat- former power lifter- retired to ask why he hadn't placed higher. Since this is the kicker he had placed a respectable third the year before- he considered this man an acquaintance if not a friend. I heard as the cripplingly ego devastating verdict was delivered in just 5 miserable words..."You were small and smooth." Ouch...#@#%#...Small and Smooth? Who said life was fair...but, how could he be both- that's painful for an aspiring bodybuilder to hear. The judge picked the wrong kid to mess with...
Check back for more blog later.
God Bless
Well funny thing the poor kid dieted and trained his heart out for months prior to this local show held at the University of Maine Auditorium. He did poorly-apparently miscalculating- he mis perceived it as a weight loss contest and wasn't at his best. I was within earshot when he walked up to one of the judges-a mean spirited - old gym rat- former power lifter- retired to ask why he hadn't placed higher. Since this is the kicker he had placed a respectable third the year before- he considered this man an acquaintance if not a friend. I heard as the cripplingly ego devastating verdict was delivered in just 5 miserable words..."You were small and smooth." Ouch...#@#%#...Small and Smooth? Who said life was fair...but, how could he be both- that's painful for an aspiring bodybuilder to hear. The judge picked the wrong kid to mess with...
Check back for more blog later.
God Bless
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Yo Yo Dieting Advance Personal Trainer Answers a Question about Glycogen and Dieting Connection
Dear Frustrated Trainee, It sounds like your diet is taking you for a ride, gaining and losing the same ten pounds, the Yo-Yo effect, isn't much fun. What I hope your saying- when you tell me that you want to lose weight- is that you really want to lose body fat, while maintaining lean mass (muscle tissue). If that's the case, the first thing we need to do is get you off the diet Roller Coaster. Crash Dieting only gives the illusion of being effective. That initial quick weight loss is largely made up of water weight. The reason this happens is: muscles hold sugar for energy in the form of glycogen. Each gram of glycogen is stored in your muscles with about three grams of water. When you diet without exercising (to maintain lean muscle tissue) -your just rapidly shedding water weight. It looks good on the scale-but, that's about it. You end up weaker and lethargic and craving sweets. Without resistance training your body just makes up for the calorie deficit by using up your stored glycogen and shedding the water 3 grams to 1 held with it. Not a very good trade! When you can't take it anymore-read friends want to go for pizza and beer-you go off your diet and your muscles fill right back up again, and you gain back all the water. The worst thing is your lethargy may have caused a decrease in workout intensity-even though it feels more difficult to exercise when your starving-and, you may have lost some of your muscle. Remember muscle is the only thing that burns calories. That's one of the reasons it's so important to maintain your muscle-they add shape, tone and lean line to your form. Normally when you diet your body sensing starvation will hold onto fat and use stored sugar (glycogen) to survive. Each time you diet without exercise you leave yourself worse off that when you started, because you end up with less muscle and a lower metabolism. I've met people who have left themselves with such a low metabolism they can barely eat anything at all without gaining weight. The magic is in the method- by adding resistance training to your workout you leave your body no choice but to burn fat as fuel. What a relief! Sure you'll burn both glycogen and fat when you exercise, but having to maintain glycogen levels for the next workout -your body will be forced to replenish the energy and leave your fat cells to wither away,shrinking out of site. They never disappear totally, short of liposuction. They lay dormant calling for calories - crying out in the night. Hunger pains. Having to maintain your glycogen levels the body is forced to turn the food you eat into muscle energy. An effective eating plan literally feeds the muscles and starves the fat. Friends there is obviously some nuance to this , but your body-the ultimate biochemist knows exactly how to do this. You don't need to worry about how it works, just that it works, but know that you need to add resistance training to make work. Let's face it eating less takes work no matter what type of weight your losing, so why not lose fat and maintain muscle. The added benefit with maintaining your lean mass is that muscle burns calories, all day long-even at rest. Brown Fat you say, I'm not gonna go there-any back fat regardless of color- if it burns calories all the better-but, I've gotta see proof. Often men lose weight faster than women-this is because men carry more lean muscle weight and as an added bonus higher testosterone levels. Maintaining your lean tissue will actually maintain your metabolism and help you to keep weight off in the future. The best thing about combining resistance training with a good diet is when you slip- and don't we all eventually slip- and accidentally eat a little too much your body will grab the extra calories and glycogen load which will make your next workout even easier, you'll get a better pump and the weights will feel lighter, and leave you with a fat robbing cushion of error. I assure you the body you've always dreamed of isn't made of deflated muscles. If you want to lose fat and not just water weight you'll need to add weight training to a sensible eating plan. You will be stimulating your body to maintain lean tissue while burning more calories. Leaving you Looking Good and Feeling Great! Save the Roller Coaster Rides for the Theme Parks. You deserve to be your best!
God Bless
God Bless
Monday, September 10, 2012
My Journey through editing of Jack Canon-All In (Available Jan 15, 2013): FUEL YOUR BODY...FREE Fitness and Exercise Tips fr...
My Journey through editing of Jack Canon-All In (Available Jan 15, 2013): FUEL YOUR BODY...FREE Fitness and Exercise Tips fr...: Readers, You have an obligation to feed your body. You are responsible to give your body the healthy foods it needs to run well. Do you ru...
FUEL YOUR BODY...FREE Fitness and Exercise Tips from a NESTA Certified Advanced Personal Trainer
Readers, You have an obligation to feed your body. You are responsible to give your body the healthy foods it needs to run well. Do you run your car on cheap gas-three quarts low on oil? If you were babysitting your sister's kids for the weekend- would you proudly announce on her return that you'd all skipped dinner and instead loaded up on chips, soda and cookies? After all the kids were misbehaving, you didn't know what to do-so to make them happy you gave them snacks!
This sounds crazy you say, but a lot of people do this to their bodies everyday. They skip meals and get so painfully hungry they lose their willpower and eat junk food to make them feel they don't misbehave.
Greg Sandora is an Advanced Certified NESTA Personal Trainer with over 30 Years Experience
I am giving this Free Fitness Blog to generate interest in my New Book JACK CANON ALL IN
being released on January 15.
You can follow me on Twitter at @gregsandora
DREAMS DO Come True…Follow my Journey to Publication of JACK CANON- ALL IN a Story that will make your HEART BEAT!
It’s the steamy summer of 2016 in Washington, D.C. just days before the Democratic National Convention. A long and painful recession has left ordinary Americans suffering, spawning the hottest Presidential Contest in history. Jack Canon, a man born into privilege, a witness to great social injustice is going to be President of the United States–no matter what! Desperate and corrupt, the leader of the free world orders a hit to slow him down. The plan backfires–the wrong people are dead–a manhunt points to the unthinkable–The President of the United States.
Rewind one year, Jack’s focus on redistribution of wealth and energy has made him powerful enemies. Once his friends, Rogue Billionaires, Oil Sheiks, the Mob, all want him gone. The current President wants him alive–thinking he can win against an unabridged liberal. A Universal Raw Nerve of wealth vs. poverty is exposed becoming a thrill ride as deep machinations of espionage, geo-politics and deception, even murder play out. Kind and charismatic, Jack’s just naughty enough to have you falling for him like one of his loving circle of loyal friends. Of course he’s flawed, a dedicated family man, faithful to one woman, but in love with two. Is it his fault his best friend is impossibly jaw dropping beautiful? Think the crime and passion of the Godfather meets the romance and innocence of Camelot. A story that could spark a movement, a book that can seed a revolution. A heart thumping climax so shocking you’ll pull the covers and draw the shades! One things for sure, through all the drama and suspense, you’ll be pulling for Jack!
He doesn’t live by going through the motions–Jack Canon ALL IN
I will be blogging about Fitness and my journey to publication until the release of the book. Please leave a comment.
God Bless
This sounds crazy you say, but a lot of people do this to their bodies everyday. They skip meals and get so painfully hungry they lose their willpower and eat junk food to make them feel they don't misbehave.
Greg Sandora is an Advanced Certified NESTA Personal Trainer with over 30 Years Experience
I am giving this Free Fitness Blog to generate interest in my New Book JACK CANON ALL IN
being released on January 15.
You can follow me on Twitter at @gregsandora
DREAMS DO Come True…Follow my Journey to Publication of JACK CANON- ALL IN a Story that will make your HEART BEAT!
It’s the steamy summer of 2016 in Washington, D.C. just days before the Democratic National Convention. A long and painful recession has left ordinary Americans suffering, spawning the hottest Presidential Contest in history. Jack Canon, a man born into privilege, a witness to great social injustice is going to be President of the United States–no matter what! Desperate and corrupt, the leader of the free world orders a hit to slow him down. The plan backfires–the wrong people are dead–a manhunt points to the unthinkable–The President of the United States.
Rewind one year, Jack’s focus on redistribution of wealth and energy has made him powerful enemies. Once his friends, Rogue Billionaires, Oil Sheiks, the Mob, all want him gone. The current President wants him alive–thinking he can win against an unabridged liberal. A Universal Raw Nerve of wealth vs. poverty is exposed becoming a thrill ride as deep machinations of espionage, geo-politics and deception, even murder play out. Kind and charismatic, Jack’s just naughty enough to have you falling for him like one of his loving circle of loyal friends. Of course he’s flawed, a dedicated family man, faithful to one woman, but in love with two. Is it his fault his best friend is impossibly jaw dropping beautiful? Think the crime and passion of the Godfather meets the romance and innocence of Camelot. A story that could spark a movement, a book that can seed a revolution. A heart thumping climax so shocking you’ll pull the covers and draw the shades! One things for sure, through all the drama and suspense, you’ll be pulling for Jack!
He doesn’t live by going through the motions–Jack Canon ALL IN
I will be blogging about Fitness and my journey to publication until the release of the book. Please leave a comment.
God Bless
DREAMS DO Come True...Follow my Journey to Publication of JACK CANON- ALL IN a Story that will make your HEART BEAT!
It's the steamy summer of 2016 in Washington, D.C. just days before the Democratic National Convention. A long and painful recession has left ordinary Americans suffering, spawning the hottest Presidential Contest in history. Jack Canon, a man born into privilege, a witness to great social injustice is going to be President of the United States--no matter what! Desperate and corrupt, the leader of the free world orders a hit to slow him down. The plan backfires--the wrong people are dead--a manhunt points to the unthinkable--The President of the United States.
Rewind one year, Jack's focus on redistribution of wealth and energy has made him powerful enemies. Once his friends, Rogue Billionaires, Oil Sheiks, the Mob, all want him gone. The current President wants him alive--thinking he can win against an unabridged liberal. A Universal Raw Nerve of wealth vs. poverty is exposed becoming a thrill ride as deep machinations of espionage, geo-politics and deception, even murder play out. Kind and charismatic, Jack's just naughty enough to have you falling for him like one of his loving circle of loyal friends. Of course he's flawed, a dedicated family man, faithful to one woman, but in love with two. Is it his fault his best friend is impossibly jaw dropping beautiful? Think the crime and passion of the Godfather meets the romance and innocence of Camelot. A story that could spark a movement, a book that can seed a revolution. A heart thumping climax so shocking you'll pull the covers and draw the shades! One things for sure, through all the drama and suspense, you'll be pulling for Jack!
He doesn't live by going through the motions--All In-American Destiny, a complete 100,000 word Mainstream Fiction. Writing is my passion; I graduated cum laude in business and economics from the University of Maine in 1985. Thank you for your time and consideration.
I will be blogging about Fitness and my journey to publication until the release of the book. Please leave a comment.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
FREE Weightloss Tips from an Advanced Personal Trainer 30 years experience NESTA Lifetime Certified
September 8, 2012
I’ll bet you that you’d eagerly do 95% of the work if you just had a little bit of help from your friends and family. Support from family/friends can make getting fit so much easier and more enjoyable. But, if all else fails and you can’t find anyone to take the journey with, you can always imagine yourself training alongside an imaginary super motivated friend or celebrity. Some of my clients had thier best workouts imagining they were running alongside Oprah when she got ready for her marathon.
Has this ever happened to You? You wait all day and skip at least one meal because your going out to some fancy restaurant for dinner. The food is expensive and delicious and you want to be starving so you can really enjoy yourself. By the time you get to the restaurant you’re so unbelievably hungry-you can’t resist filling up on salad and bread-no one will remember that you went for that extra dip in the seasoned olive oil. Does that count if you’re out of the house? Finally the meal comes-three full baskets of bread later-you were careful to take only five small pieces, Oh except for the heel which you deserved-for thinking of this location in the first place-no one has thanked you yet! After all wasn’t everyone semi arguing in the car unable to agree on a restaurant-you the ever thoughtful diplomat negotiated a settlement. Ok well the meal gets placed in front of you and Now, even though you’re full to the gills on bread and salad-not to mention the free refills on the soda-two 25 oz glasses-with ice you reason- You still eat it all because you don’t want to waste a morsal. People are starving-and you could have bought a weeks worth of regular groceries at these prices!
Next time try this idea…Cut the meal in half the moment it arrives-make a line down the middle of the plate -it can be imaginary-you don’t want friends knowing you’re crazy-though they suspect. Bring that half home in a doggy bag-DO NOT FEED THAT SHIT to your DOG! And, YES you can cheat and take a few extra bites -for taste-just sluff the food around a little so it looks good-YOU don’t want to spoil your friends GOOD TIME- Remember You’re a People Pleaser! Doesn’t this make sense and fess up-no matter what you ate the night before-aren’t you always Ravenous the nest day-by noon?
MOM was WRONG! You should spoil you Appetite-are you a girl with an appetite like a Truck Driver? SPOIL YOUR APPETITE! We all grow up learning not to eat before meals or it would spoil your appetite. THAT’S exactly what we should do as adults. Try a peanut butter sandwich-just a slice of bread with peanut butter folded over-Yes just before you leave to go to the restaurant. Just, Don’t tell your Mom I said so.
Has this ever happened to You? You wait all day and skip at least one meal because your going out to some fancy restaurant for dinner. The food is expensive and delicious and you want to be starving so you can really enjoy yourself. By the time you get to the restaurant you’re so unbelievably hungry-you can’t resist filling up on salad and bread-no one will remember that you went for that extra dip in the seasoned olive oil. Does that count if you’re out of the house? Finally the meal comes-three full baskets of bread later-you were careful to take only five small pieces, Oh except for the heel which you deserved-for thinking of this location in the first place-no one has thanked you yet! After all wasn’t everyone semi arguing in the car unable to agree on a restaurant-you the ever thoughtful diplomat negotiated a settlement. Ok well the meal gets placed in front of you and Now, even though you’re full to the gills on bread and salad-not to mention the free refills on the soda-two 25 oz glasses-with ice you reason- You still eat it all because you don’t want to waste a morsal. People are starving-and you could have bought a weeks worth of regular groceries at these prices!
Next time try this idea…Cut the meal in half the moment it arrives-make a line down the middle of the plate -it can be imaginary-you don’t want friends knowing you’re crazy-though they suspect. Bring that half home in a doggy bag-DO NOT FEED THAT SHIT to your DOG! And, YES you can cheat and take a few extra bites -for taste-just sluff the food around a little so it looks good-YOU don’t want to spoil your friends GOOD TIME- Remember You’re a People Pleaser! Doesn’t this make sense and fess up-no matter what you ate the night before-aren’t you always Ravenous the nest day-by noon?
Friday, September 7, 2012
Positive Visualization Strategy
We all have doubts and negative thoughts from time to time especially when we are on the verge of making a decision that will change our life. Will this work, will I be wasting my time? Negative thoughts like these need to be replaced with positive thoughts and visualizations that will be helpful in reaching goals. I absolutely believe that you are able to look and feel your very best! I believe this so strongly that I spent 30 years of my life helping people do just that. Here's a positive mental exercise that I used with my clients that will help you put things in perspective.
First of all you are a miracle born and blessed with innate God given potential. I believe you're wonderful just the way you are, but I also know you want to feel good and look amazing. So with this in mind let's begin a positive visualization exercise together...Now close your eyes and pretend your starring at a stadium sized movie screen. You're up on that giant screen staring in a movie in the very best condition of your life, at the peak of your abilities and feeling on top of the world! See yourself as though you were totally unstoppable. How would you treat people if you were at the top of your game? How would others treat you? Now, for the second part of our your eyes, let me ask you this, on a scale of 1-10, be really honest, where do you think you would fall? Rate yourself ten if you're living life at the absolute fullest at your highest potential without any room for improvement.Rating a 1 if you imagine you've got one foot on a banana peel while the others...we you get where I'm going. Now thinking only of your potential , where are you right now? While I hope you didn't say one, I'll bet you didn't say ten either. In fact in all my years as a Personal Trainer and Fitness Motivator I have never met anyone who did not feel they has some room to improve. If you are really at ten you have my compliments, I heard you were out there, but like the story of Big Foot I was skeptical. If your like most people you answered something like a 4 or 5, or maybe even a 6, but no higher. That's GREAT-because without any convincing from me-You believe right now that your not living up to your true potential and best that you have room to improve. You my friend are in the right frame of mind for the final stage of this fun mental exercise. Now thinking back almost your entire life...back to when you were a little kid...imagine...what would your life be like now if your parents had sent you away to an Olympic Training Camp. Leaving you to live with Future Olympians through your formative years, you trained and ate exactly as they did. Imagine that you learned and practiced positive visualization techniques with the finest coaches and believed in yourself 100%. No questions asked, mentally and physically prepared as an Olympian you learned unflappable confidence and dreamed of winning the gold. In your heart you knew that just given the chance, the opportunity, you would do anything you tired your absolute best.
Now I'm not foolish enough to say that someone dropped there would have medaled in the Olympics, but I know you'll agree that even last place Olympians are in phenomenal shape. Hold up...before you get mad at me and write back about your dysfunctional family. Keep in mind this is only a story designed to help you think about your amazing potential. You need to see yourself in great shape in your minds eye first, so you can begin making a difference Now! In how you look and feel. See and feel the power you have in making a decision and take action. Write down your goals, begin an exercise program, begin eating better, and practice thinking positively-like an Olympian. What kind of difference will this decision make in your life in one year...5 years, in 10? Where will you be if your do nothing? God gave you the potential, it's up to you to use it. You Deserve to Be Your Best!
You are so much more than you ever thought possible...You are the dreamer behind the dream.
I used the power of positive visualization when I started to write the book Jack Canon All In- my fiction coming out January of 2013. My mom had passed away and I needed something positive to focus my energy on. She loved to write poetry and I've always dreamed of writing a novel. I sat in the most comfortable chair in the house and wrote the first line...a line we didn't even end up using, but I looked past the fear of never finishing and seven months of late nights and early mornings...and the book is finished. At least the initial anyone who knows this blog will tell you I am writing about my journey through editing and publication. Oh, and I include flashbacks into the writing too. I am happy and excited to have all my friends read the story. What follows is the letter that I sent out to editors...
First of all you are a miracle born and blessed with innate God given potential. I believe you're wonderful just the way you are, but I also know you want to feel good and look amazing. So with this in mind let's begin a positive visualization exercise together...Now close your eyes and pretend your starring at a stadium sized movie screen. You're up on that giant screen staring in a movie in the very best condition of your life, at the peak of your abilities and feeling on top of the world! See yourself as though you were totally unstoppable. How would you treat people if you were at the top of your game? How would others treat you? Now, for the second part of our your eyes, let me ask you this, on a scale of 1-10, be really honest, where do you think you would fall? Rate yourself ten if you're living life at the absolute fullest at your highest potential without any room for improvement.Rating a 1 if you imagine you've got one foot on a banana peel while the others...we you get where I'm going. Now thinking only of your potential , where are you right now? While I hope you didn't say one, I'll bet you didn't say ten either. In fact in all my years as a Personal Trainer and Fitness Motivator I have never met anyone who did not feel they has some room to improve. If you are really at ten you have my compliments, I heard you were out there, but like the story of Big Foot I was skeptical. If your like most people you answered something like a 4 or 5, or maybe even a 6, but no higher. That's GREAT-because without any convincing from me-You believe right now that your not living up to your true potential and best that you have room to improve. You my friend are in the right frame of mind for the final stage of this fun mental exercise. Now thinking back almost your entire life...back to when you were a little kid...imagine...what would your life be like now if your parents had sent you away to an Olympic Training Camp. Leaving you to live with Future Olympians through your formative years, you trained and ate exactly as they did. Imagine that you learned and practiced positive visualization techniques with the finest coaches and believed in yourself 100%. No questions asked, mentally and physically prepared as an Olympian you learned unflappable confidence and dreamed of winning the gold. In your heart you knew that just given the chance, the opportunity, you would do anything you tired your absolute best.
Now I'm not foolish enough to say that someone dropped there would have medaled in the Olympics, but I know you'll agree that even last place Olympians are in phenomenal shape. Hold up...before you get mad at me and write back about your dysfunctional family. Keep in mind this is only a story designed to help you think about your amazing potential. You need to see yourself in great shape in your minds eye first, so you can begin making a difference Now! In how you look and feel. See and feel the power you have in making a decision and take action. Write down your goals, begin an exercise program, begin eating better, and practice thinking positively-like an Olympian. What kind of difference will this decision make in your life in one year...5 years, in 10? Where will you be if your do nothing? God gave you the potential, it's up to you to use it. You Deserve to Be Your Best!
You are so much more than you ever thought possible...You are the dreamer behind the dream.
I used the power of positive visualization when I started to write the book Jack Canon All In- my fiction coming out January of 2013. My mom had passed away and I needed something positive to focus my energy on. She loved to write poetry and I've always dreamed of writing a novel. I sat in the most comfortable chair in the house and wrote the first line...a line we didn't even end up using, but I looked past the fear of never finishing and seven months of late nights and early mornings...and the book is finished. At least the initial anyone who knows this blog will tell you I am writing about my journey through editing and publication. Oh, and I include flashbacks into the writing too. I am happy and excited to have all my friends read the story. What follows is the letter that I sent out to editors...
It's the steamy summer of 2016 in Washington, D.C. just days before the Democratic National Convention. A long and painful recession has left ordinary Americans suffering, spawning the hottest Presidential Contest in history. Jack Canon, a man born into privilege, a witness to great social injustice is going to be President of the United States--no matter what! Desperate and corrupt, the leader of the free world orders a hit to slow him down. The plan backfires--the wrong people are dead--a manhunt points to the unthinkable--The President of the United States.
Rewind one year, Jack's focus on redistribution of wealth and energy has made him powerful enemies. Once his friends, Rogue Billionaires, Oil Sheiks, the Mob, all want him gone. The current President wants him alive--thinking he can win against an unabridged liberal. A Universal Raw Nerve of wealth vs. poverty is exposed becoming a thrill ride as deep machinations of espionage, geo-politics and deception, even murder play out. Kind and charismatic, Jack's just naughty enough to have you falling for him like one of his loving circle of loyal friends. Of course he's flawed, a dedicated family man, faithful to one woman, but in love with two. Is it his fault his best friend is impossibly jaw dropping beautiful? Think the crime and passion of the Godfather meets the romance and innocence of Camelot. A story that could spark a movement, a book that can seed a revolution. A heart thumping climax so shocking you'll pull the covers and draw the shades! One things for sure, through all the drama and suspense, you'll be pulling for Jack!
He doesn't live by going through the motions--All In-American Destiny, a complete 100,000 word Mainstream Fiction. Writing is my passion; I graduated cum laude in business and economics from the University of Maine in 1985. Thank you for your time and consideration.
I will be blogging about Fitness and my journey to publication until the release of the book. Please leave a comment.
God Bless
Please remember to always see a health professional prior to starting any workout program
Please remember to always see a health professional prior to starting any workout program
It's the steamy summer of 2016 in Washington, D.C. A New Fiction Novel by Greg Sandora avail Jan 15, 2013
It's the steamy summer of 2016 in Washington, D.C. just days before the Democratic National Convention. A long and painful recession has left ordinary Americans suffering, spawning the hottest Presidential Contest in history. Jack Canon, a man born into privilege, a witness to great social injustice is going to be President of the United States--no matter what! Desperate and corrupt, the leader of the free world orders a hit to slow him down. The plan backfires--the wrong people are dead--a manhunt points to the unthinkable--The President of the United States.
Rewind one year, Jack's focus on redistribution of wealth and energy has made him powerful enemies. Once his friends, Rogue Billionaires, Oil Sheiks, the Mob, all want him gone. The current President wants him alive--thinking he can win against an unabridged liberal. A Universal Raw Nerve of wealth vs. poverty is exposed becoming a thrill ride as deep machinations of espionage, geo-politics and deception, even murder play out. Kind and charismatic, Jack's just naughty enough to have you falling for him like one of his loving circle of loyal friends. Of course he's flawed, a dedicated family man, faithful to one woman, but in love with two. Is it his fault his best friend is impossibly jaw dropping beautiful? Think the crime and passion of the Godfather meets the romance and innocence of Camelot. A story that could spark a movement, a book that can seed a revolution. A heart thumping climax so shocking you'll pull the covers and draw the shades! One things for sure, through all the drama and suspense, you'll be pulling for Jack!
He doesn't live by going through the motions--JACK CANON ALL IN, a complete 100,000 word Mainstream Fiction.
I am working on a Children's Book called SAMMY THE SEA TURTLE
When I was working in the small town of Ave Maria-I was asked to come up with some ideas to market the Water Park. I thought about it for a long time and then this popped into my head. A hatchling sea turtle is pushing his way through the sand for his eventual trip to the Ocean. All is brothers and sisters are in the sand- some have already made their way to the water. Some of the other turtles are waiting for Sammy and the rest. They want to keep the family together...Well as luck would have it 10 year old Billy Crosby is at the beach with his parents and just before his family is about to leave while his mom is picking up and dad is loading the car...Billy decides to throw rocks at some seagulls. It's while taunting and chasing the gulls Billy chances on tiny Sammy just breakling out of the ground. The rest of the story begins when Sammy grows up at Billy's House and joins the family eventually living in an above ground pool at the family home in Estero Florida. When Billy turns 18, while the family is celebrating Sammy makes his mind up to finally begin his long journey home. This is a children's story that will have Sammy meeting Sally the Sea Turtle and other friends as he tries to find his way. I have been working on this idea for a couple of years and hope to draft a finished copy for submission to publishers in 2013.
Let me know what you think by leaving comments.
God Bless
Let me know what you think by leaving comments.
God Bless
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Question from my reader: How can I lose 10% body fat in 40 hours of workouts?
A reader asked: How would you go about transforming a middle aged man weighing approx. 210 lbs @ 26% Bodyfat, Heart Attack in waiting, to a fit 16% Bodyfat while simultaneously increasig lean muscle mass and overall body composition. In addition increasing flexibility and improving cardiovascular fitness? I used to train people like this all the time. I spent 30 years as a personal trainer and gym owner, Advanced NESTA Certified. The above being accomplished in just ten weeks while utilizing a total time budget of just 4 hours per week. To stat it another way this guy would lose 10% bodyfat while gaining lean muscle in a record fast 40 hours, or a whopping 1% bodyfat drop every 4 hours of workout. Where's the camera? Just kidding, I promise to do my best to answer him, but unless this guy has superior genetics, and judging from the starting fat levels-probably doesn't or unless more time can be invested, his goal may be overly optimistic. As a trainer I would first advise the gentlemen to get a physical exam and here's the disclaimer-do not try this yourself without competent supervision. OK let's get started for real. I would first advise the guy let's call him Joe, that normally a 6% fat drop while maintaining existing lean mass is a great goal and is definitely possible within a 12 week period. In fact at our club we promised it in writing, and we trained everyone for free. Second, I'd mention that usually more than four hours per week is required if he wants to include strength training, cardio, and flexibility work. Our money back guarantee required that an eating plan be followed for the full twelve weeks. No small feat in itself...say goodbye to pizza, ice cream, basically all the fun stuff. So considering that Joe is being counseled nutritionally I would encourage him toward a reachable goal. I believe in small interim steps, which when acheived provide an increased motivation, belief in self and sense of accomplishment. Once each small goal is reached we blast off to further heights! To paraphrase a very famous quote, "One need only walk confidently in the direction of one's dreams...and realize a success unheard of in common hours. Now to the task at hand. I understand Joe's goal and will give it the best I've got. Motivation and beliefs are key and he'll be helped with these as well.
First my program will take Joe from his current strength training of just two days per week up to four days, since increased lean mass is a priority. The schedule would be two days on, ond day off, two days on. The remaining two days of the week would be Joe's days off. Any day of the week can be day one depending on his schedule and availability. For example Mon-Tues on, followed by Wednesday off, then Thurs-Friday on, followed by the weekend off. Since we only have one hour per day anda lot to do we will combine both strength training and cardio in the same session. Stretching and Flexibility work will have to be performed when the muscle is warmed after the first few very light sets and in between sets. Since body fat loss is also of primary importance his routine will be customized to include more cardio in the beginning while we are building up the weight routine. Later in the program the weight training takes a greater portion of the available time-the cardio sessions will be slightly reduced. Doing that we can concentrate on fat loss while maintaining lean muscle tissue first. After which, we'll focus on lean tissue gain once intensity has been built in. One great benefit is; building in greater intensities later will simultaneously reduce the time needed for the weight workout, we shouldn't have to reduce cardio by more than 10 minutes. Basically the harder Joe works out the less time he is able to work, and this is a good thingconsidering his limited time factor. But really who the heck isn't busy these days? The plan calls for 20 minutes of weight training followed by 40 minutes of cardio in the beginning-finishing with 30 minutes of strength training and 30 minutes of cardio in the final weeks. We will make ample use of super sets utilizing 30 seconds of rest between sets of each exercise. He'll be breathing pretty hard. The actual net rest realized is actually 90 seconds.when taking into account the 60 seconds allotted to complete the opposing set for a smaller muscle. This strategy will serve to both maximize our workout minutes and rev up Joe's metabolism. Our goal is to burn up as much glycogen as we can during strength training and then immediately head to the cardio-pre warmed up and get going. There will be no time for chit chat or gym gossip on this routine. No negativity will be tolerated, no complaining about the noise, the equipment, the weather-his girlfriend. Joe will be expected to arrive at the club fully psyched and ready to work! I will suggest reading motivational books prior to beginning this enterprise so Joe will be thinking positive. We will set up a ritual to get Joe in the zone-and the set begins. What is a ritual-have you ever seen Nomar adjust his gloves prior to batting-every swing-maybe without realizing it that helps him focus on the job at hand-Home Runs! That concludes part one of this series-check back here on my blog as we get to the routine, body part breakdown, a maximum intensity system called the VERI System, the actual exercises, timing of sets, and a s a bonus a way to blast a normal workout into orbit.
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God Bless
First my program will take Joe from his current strength training of just two days per week up to four days, since increased lean mass is a priority. The schedule would be two days on, ond day off, two days on. The remaining two days of the week would be Joe's days off. Any day of the week can be day one depending on his schedule and availability. For example Mon-Tues on, followed by Wednesday off, then Thurs-Friday on, followed by the weekend off. Since we only have one hour per day anda lot to do we will combine both strength training and cardio in the same session. Stretching and Flexibility work will have to be performed when the muscle is warmed after the first few very light sets and in between sets. Since body fat loss is also of primary importance his routine will be customized to include more cardio in the beginning while we are building up the weight routine. Later in the program the weight training takes a greater portion of the available time-the cardio sessions will be slightly reduced. Doing that we can concentrate on fat loss while maintaining lean muscle tissue first. After which, we'll focus on lean tissue gain once intensity has been built in. One great benefit is; building in greater intensities later will simultaneously reduce the time needed for the weight workout, we shouldn't have to reduce cardio by more than 10 minutes. Basically the harder Joe works out the less time he is able to work, and this is a good thingconsidering his limited time factor. But really who the heck isn't busy these days? The plan calls for 20 minutes of weight training followed by 40 minutes of cardio in the beginning-finishing with 30 minutes of strength training and 30 minutes of cardio in the final weeks. We will make ample use of super sets utilizing 30 seconds of rest between sets of each exercise. He'll be breathing pretty hard. The actual net rest realized is actually 90 seconds.when taking into account the 60 seconds allotted to complete the opposing set for a smaller muscle. This strategy will serve to both maximize our workout minutes and rev up Joe's metabolism. Our goal is to burn up as much glycogen as we can during strength training and then immediately head to the cardio-pre warmed up and get going. There will be no time for chit chat or gym gossip on this routine. No negativity will be tolerated, no complaining about the noise, the equipment, the weather-his girlfriend. Joe will be expected to arrive at the club fully psyched and ready to work! I will suggest reading motivational books prior to beginning this enterprise so Joe will be thinking positive. We will set up a ritual to get Joe in the zone-and the set begins. What is a ritual-have you ever seen Nomar adjust his gloves prior to batting-every swing-maybe without realizing it that helps him focus on the job at hand-Home Runs! That concludes part one of this series-check back here on my blog as we get to the routine, body part breakdown, a maximum intensity system called the VERI System, the actual exercises, timing of sets, and a s a bonus a way to blast a normal workout into orbit.
Please comment if you like this blog.
God Bless
Training: Visualization-Affirmation-Focus
Visualization-Affirmation-Focus. Positive Self Talk. Let the words, I am...I can...I am able...I will, fuel your thoughts. These are the tools you can use to train your subconcious mind toward acheiving your goals. Let's tap into the other 90% of the Brain. You Deserve to be your best.
I'm Greg Sandora, NESTA Certified Advanced Personal Trainer, I worked as a trainer for 30 years and even owned a Gold's Gym in Portland Maine for 15 of those years. I have worked with thousands of people. Now in my second career I am writing Fiction. My first book (working title) JACK CANON- ALL IN is due out Jan. 15, 2013. I will be blogging Free training tips and advice up until the release of the book...maybe after. If you would please leave a comment, I try and answer all comments, and maybe feature your question in a future blog.
God Bless
I'm Greg Sandora, NESTA Certified Advanced Personal Trainer, I worked as a trainer for 30 years and even owned a Gold's Gym in Portland Maine for 15 of those years. I have worked with thousands of people. Now in my second career I am writing Fiction. My first book (working title) JACK CANON- ALL IN is due out Jan. 15, 2013. I will be blogging Free training tips and advice up until the release of the book...maybe after. If you would please leave a comment, I try and answer all comments, and maybe feature your question in a future blog.
God Bless
The Downside to Living in Beautiful Southwest Florida...yes there is a downside.
Do you have friends/company that want you to go out to eat all the time, while their on vacation and your not? Friends that like to eat high on the hog, every meal taken with reckless abandon eating anything their hearts desire? Oh the waves of company that keep coming all winter...Oh there are dangers to living in SWFL, you thought all you had to worry about was the alligators. To add insult to injury your new job suddenly becomes activities director-leaving no time off to get a workout in. Why is it that vacationing guests always act like their on Spring Break! Only now they've traded in the bikinis and speedos for 5 course meals laden with fat. You tell yourself I can't keep eating like this. They're on vacation and I'm not- and hey don't I have high cholesterol? But you get talked into going to a local restaurant anyway-after all there's a coupon in the newspaper. The one the lady you never see throws on the driveway at 4 in the morning. Well company starts off by ordering drinks, then appetizers, entrees, more drinks...oh no here comes the desert menu, you don't want to make them feel bad, wreck their good time. So-you say to yourself -I must eat it all, after all-aren't I a people pleaser?
If this sounds like you then feel free to use one of the following 5 excuses and DON'T feel bad about it:
1. I ate something bad last night and I have a stomach ache.
2. My favorite show is on tonight and there is no way I can miss another episode. (Be careful using this one too often)
3. My spouse and I just had a major blowout and we're gonna have to pass. ( Usually this is caused by a guy trying to get away with excuse #2. but use it anyway sparingly)
4. I'm scheduled for a medical procedure and I can't eat after 12 noon. ( This is actually my best work)
5. I'm in the third day of my colon cleanse. ( Only use this if you can say it with a straight face-laughing will negate the value of any of the above-so please practice in the mirror before attempting any of these strategies)
Tip of the day:
5 things to do when guests want to go out to eat:
1. Take them to the New Estero Park- actually not that new-it was built with all the extra money from the 2005 boom-boy what a difference a year or two makes.
2. All day shopping, purchase your heavy items first and then ask friends to help carrying them.
3. Tell them your all going for ice cream at the beach. Park two miles away and walk thru thick sand to get there.
4. Take them to the water park and run them up the stairs all day to access the slides.
5. Take them to Ding Darling, for a day of biking, canoeing, and hiking. Your own version of a triathlon. Then finish the day off with a funny movie. Laugh your head off, even if its not that funny, this is a great ab workout.
Above all have a great time-remember you love your family and friends.
Stay tuned for other blog entries that I'm working on. Confessions of a Gym Owner, how to drive traffic into the gym and next I'm posting an exercise routine that I used to break through clients adaptation to exercise. I'll reveal a dynamite routine guaranteed to work.
God Bless, and we love our friends.
Please comment if you liked this... and if you see my daughter tell her not to lose an ounce.
If this sounds like you then feel free to use one of the following 5 excuses and DON'T feel bad about it:
1. I ate something bad last night and I have a stomach ache.
2. My favorite show is on tonight and there is no way I can miss another episode. (Be careful using this one too often)
3. My spouse and I just had a major blowout and we're gonna have to pass. ( Usually this is caused by a guy trying to get away with excuse #2. but use it anyway sparingly)
4. I'm scheduled for a medical procedure and I can't eat after 12 noon. ( This is actually my best work)
5. I'm in the third day of my colon cleanse. ( Only use this if you can say it with a straight face-laughing will negate the value of any of the above-so please practice in the mirror before attempting any of these strategies)
Tip of the day:
5 things to do when guests want to go out to eat:
1. Take them to the New Estero Park- actually not that new-it was built with all the extra money from the 2005 boom-boy what a difference a year or two makes.
2. All day shopping, purchase your heavy items first and then ask friends to help carrying them.
3. Tell them your all going for ice cream at the beach. Park two miles away and walk thru thick sand to get there.
4. Take them to the water park and run them up the stairs all day to access the slides.
5. Take them to Ding Darling, for a day of biking, canoeing, and hiking. Your own version of a triathlon. Then finish the day off with a funny movie. Laugh your head off, even if its not that funny, this is a great ab workout.
Above all have a great time-remember you love your family and friends.
Stay tuned for other blog entries that I'm working on. Confessions of a Gym Owner, how to drive traffic into the gym and next I'm posting an exercise routine that I used to break through clients adaptation to exercise. I'll reveal a dynamite routine guaranteed to work.
God Bless, and we love our friends.
Please comment if you liked this... and if you see my daughter tell her not to lose an ounce.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
How did I start writing the book Jack Canon-All In
Yesterday was Labor Day and I had a great day off which even included some time at the pool. I showed up around 2PM after Kathy went off to do some shopping. After a 30 minute treadmill-I hit the pool. My neighbor Beverly was swimming with a girlfriend and said hello and commented that she still had the book I'd given her about Bobby Kennedy. " I'm still trying to finish it," she commented. That wouldn't be odd except for the fact that I'd lent her the book Thanksgiving of 2011. I'ver heard of slow readers but that's really slow. Well long story short, Bev's nice and so is her friend- any mention of a book and mine pops into mind. "Bev you'd better finish that book because I have something else for you to read," I say.
The truth is I started writing almost immediately after my mom passed away finishing just around the time my dad died 5 and a half months later. I know they will be the first to read it. It's something I've always wanted to do and I know my mom-she loved to write poetry- is happy. Writing is a better use of my time I thought than sitting around getting depressed.
God Bless
The truth is I started writing almost immediately after my mom passed away finishing just around the time my dad died 5 and a half months later. I know they will be the first to read it. It's something I've always wanted to do and I know my mom-she loved to write poetry- is happy. Writing is a better use of my time I thought than sitting around getting depressed.
God Bless
Playing Guitar at the Nursing Home Tonight and waiting to hear back about the Author Info I sent
Every Wednesday Kathy and I go over to the Estero Life Care Center to Play Guitar and Sing. The Residents enjoy the old Elvis Songs and the Country that I love to Play. Waiting to hear back about the Author info I sent out last night. Will Blog as soon as I hear. Stay tuned. God Bless Everyone
Idea for Book Three
The Prophet is the story of a man with special gifts. His parents realize this when at school he heals another child who fell off the slide. This causes a stir at school-his parents are very concerned that the child will be treated differently-so they spend his young life moving from place to place to protect him. As a man people begin to follow him- his main goal is that people see him as ordinary- he does not want things to get out of hand....
Comment if you think this would make a good story-Greg
Comment if you think this would make a good story-Greg
The Journey to publication continues...Last night Kathy and I prepared the Author Information Sheet answering all the questions about the book. Kathy helped with the encapsulation as the blurbs they wanted need to be around three sentences. One of the questions asked about the top three characters; I included them here for all to see.
Character # 1
: Jack Canon is the lead. Kind, handsome, loving, a boy at heart, somewhat naughty, he is driven to get to the top, the Presidency. His destiny is to make the World a better place. He is charismatic and while happily married enjoys his female friendships immensely without crossing the line. The women in his life accept that and love him anyway. He is a very young looking 53. Jack has piercing blue eyes; he’s got barely a touch of gray in his dark brown hair. He is in really good shape. Although he’s very humble about it.
Character # 2
: Sandy Collins is a stunningly beautiful Marilyn Monroe type who has worked for Jack for years and is hopelessly in love with him. She makes no bones that she wishes they could be together, but accepts their relationship for what it is-best friends. She is mid thirties. She sometimes crosses the line on business casual to a bit sexy. She is Jacks right hand and manages the office and is fiercely loyal.
Character # 3
: Lisa
has the highest IQ of anyone the group knows. An expert in statistics, she has bachelors in math from NYU and masters in Poli-Sci from Harvard. Lisa’s not a beauty like Sandy. She wears the long sides of her brown bob pinned back and dresses too conservatively. She uses scant makeup over otherwise pretty brown eyes and gives off an aura that she’s given up trying to embellish the outer package. Jack knows she could be pretty if she tried, he is disarmed with her other amazing qualities. Lisa is thoughtful like a scholar, yet shy and timid as a school girl. Her kindness and honesty are so real; she is a joy to be around. Jack loves her for it. Professionally, she is a political mastermind.
Actually, tied for third place there could have been Tip and Bud- but so much happens to Lisa she edged the other two out. As soon as the cover comes out I am going to start a website dedicated to the book.
I had a thought about blogging- while I'm waiting for the editing to begin- I thought I could put the 30 years I spent as an Advanced Certified Personal Trainer to good use-Kathy and I are both lifetime certified with NESTA, the most prestigious outfit in fitness. Anyway, I'm thinking that I could answer some questions people have about exercise and blog the answers. I spent 15 years as a Gold's Gym owner-training people several hours a day. (See my blg entry about why exercise routines go stale)
If you have a question please leave a comment and I will select several for the blog.
Please tweet this if you liked the blog. God Bless Everyone.
Thanks, Greg
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Funny-I found the first story I ever wrote-it's about my paper route
It was just after 3 o’clock in the afternoon on a crisp, cool but sunny fall day. Just having started fifth grade a week earlier I knew some days would be colder than others, after all this was Fall in Maine, and we could expect that most days it would be chilly after school. My responsibilities did not end with the ringing of the Forest Street Elementary School Bell, and I was watching for my younger brother Joey, who would be joining me on the sidewalk of Main Street any minute. It always seemed like I got there first and had to wait for him, he was a little slower at doing everything than me and usually had to be coaxed into most things. I passed the time by glancing from the edges of the granite curb along the sidewalk up to the comings and goings of the kids and their parents, and the after school hub bub of kids coming and going, a few got picked up by a parent , but that was unusual in 1969. Most kids walked to school no matter what the weather, and my brother and I were no different. Our family owned one car, a red 66 Chevy wagon, that rattled in the back, and our dad Joe Sr. took that to work every day. A couple of times each week in the summer Mom would “keep the car” by loading us all in and driving dad to work. By all I mean me, my brother Joe and our baby sister, Belinda, mom called her Bindie girl, we called her just plain Bin. Bin was five years old with long brown curly hair and bangs, really a sweet sister, who made friends easily, and not much trouble for me. We always loved those rides with mom because she’d ask us if we wanted to go to see the cows. Me and Joe loved farms and cows and especially horses. There were farms about a half mile from where we lived, about the same distance as our school was, but in the opposite direction. Joey and I loved to watch the cows pee out gallons, and we laughed every time, I think Mom liked to take us just to hear us laugh, and because she knew it was so much fun. Mom liked to take us on adventures and rides like that, and she always would say I love my boys.
Finally my brother would come walking around the corner; sort of reluctantly he knew that he had responsibilities and that some how he had been recruited to help with a paper route. Joey was what I’d call a stubby looking kid, not over weight but just squat and square of build, he had a crew cut, Mom and Dad made him get, Mom thought he had the head for it, I told Mom that I wouldn’t be caught dead with a haircut like that, I was the fresh one, who sometimes talked back, and ducked a back hand, Joey didn’t ever put up much a fight with our parents. He had horned rimmed glasses, and usually a scab or scrape from some mishap on his forehead somewhere. Once Joey and I met up out front we would walk together towards Matthew’s Store a trip that took about 5 minutes. We’d pass two variety stores a drug store, a bank and a gas station along the way. My dad called this a one horse town; only later on in life did I realize what he meant.
“What took you so long” I would ask Joey, “I want to get going”. I had a lot better things to do than wait for him. Joey would say that his teacher had to help him on with his jacket or shoes ,or boots if it was winter, always something, it didn’t really matter that much when he was finally out here and we were on our way. Kids like me that had paper routes saved for mini bikes and wanted to get done with delivering and home to ride them. Joey Juner, that’s what mom called him, was paid 2.50 per week, a quarter of what I got to help with Seavey St. and deliver on weekdays after school. It got dark early and I needed the help to get done in before the sun went down. The route was divided into a Y shape with each of us taking a street, me Rochester him Seavey, and meeting up to finish, each of us finishing up by delivering one side of Rochester, that’s the street we lived on. We already knew every neighbor on our end, but having a paper route made us aware of every family along the way as well.
We didn’t just get this route; paper routes were very hard to come by, especially ones that finished close to home, I had to earn it by being our neighbor Charlie Cotes helper for a whole year. I started out in Joey’s current spot, Charlie would meet me at Matthews Store, he was older already in junior high and got out of school earlier and would always be there waiting for me. We’d start by dividing up the papers loading them into bags loaned to us by the Portland Press Herald, and I would do Seavey St. Charlie Cote was a nice kid, tall and thin, unkempt brown hair that he continually brushed to the side, he kept his head at an angle to help keep the bangs out of his eyes, he was soft spoken and kind, and I think he was glad to have the help. It saved him walking the length of one street and then back tracking to do the other half of Rochester. Charlie paid me 2.50, that’s where that figure came from, the one exception was that I had to show up at the Cote house on Sunday morning to help with deliveries. His kid sister was in my class, and his dad would ride us all on the tailgate of their station wagon, so we had nothing to carry so the delivering was easy.
My brother Joe only delivered Sunday if he felt like it, and that was the difference, sort of like a raise from what I had got to be a helper. Usually my little sister would come along to do the route on Sunday morning; she would wake up really early and ask if she could come. I’d get out our blue wagon and ride her along with me. She was a lot of fun to bring and good company, in summer we’d visit the laundry mat across the street from Matthews’s store where we picked up the papers. The laundry had a soda machine for summer and a hot chocolate machine for winter. Bins reward for coming along was her choice of either. I’d put a dime in and the cup would drop and then the best crushed ice I’ve ever tasted, the kind that really brings out the flavor of the drink. Cold is the most delicious temperature for a soda. After the ice we’d wait for the stream of soda to fill the small cup, there was no such thing as super size in the late 60’s, when the cup was full, I’d hand it to Bin. We both enjoyed chewing the finely crushed ice mixed with a few sips of soda. We drank it regular, with the sugar, the only people who drank diet soda were moms, who drank diet Pepsi, and I had tried diet soda once but hated the after taste of the saccharine. Bin road in the wagon and would ask, “Can I bring this one”, I’d say bring this paper to this house or that, always on the same side of the street as the wagon, while I’d run to the other side.
Like Charlie, I carried all the burden of collecting money, and dealing with customers, and the paper company, all the things that my brother at eight years old had no grasp of anyway. They’d send a man to the house once per week to settle up; usually mom did most of the talking, since she kept the books. At ten years old the task seemed daunting, so mom would give me a piece of paper and pencil and tell me to just write the names down of everyone who paid. She took care of all the details later and would make me a list of who still owed. Believe it or not in the small Mill Town that we lived a lot of the customers would say that they didn’t have the dollar ten, and for me to come back another time. That meant several extra trips by bicycle usually on the way to the store to pick up the funds that were due. I’d pull up to the walk way park my bike and then walk up to the door and knock. The best time would be just before or around supper time. Usually the dad would be home, sitting in a t-shirt with a beer cracked open, I’d say collecting, they knew why I was there but that was polite when you’re asking someone for money. The response would be I don’t have it today can you come back, tomorrow or next week. See 70 percent of the folks in town worked for the mill or for a store or company that served it. The mill bought the library, paid for our school Christmas parties, the fourth of July fireworks and all that, but they only paid the workers once per month. So folks bought in bulk and used to joke that there was too much month at the end of the money. Collecting was no easy task and some people could get behind by six weeks before they finally paid up, a bonanza though because it felt like a windfall, and would be a good boost to my finances. No matter what the excuse, collections had to be made and at least equal the amount owed to the Newspaper Company. They sent their man out every week to settle up. Our representative was a nice man named Mr. Kenniston, who would stretch to smell my Moms lilacs in the vase she kept in the center of the table. He’s say oh Sylvia those smell so nice. My mom thought he was a very gentle sort of man and enjoyed his visits and would offer coffee and conversation. We took the lilacs for granted cause during the right time of year our whole house would smell of fragrance from our neighbor Eleanor’s lilac bushes which ran the length of the lot line between our houses which were separated by just 10 feet. My dad thought it was funny how close the homes were and we would laugh as he would joke that we could reach out the window for them to pass the salt or mustard or something like that. To make a little extra money once in a while I would tell Mr. Kenniston that we had to buy a couple of papers at Matthews store and that we would need to be reimbursed. He’d count out fifteen cents for each one claimed short and pass us the coins, sometimes it was actually true, but this was what all the kids with paper routes talked about doing. We all got together weekly because of our one benefit which was a YMCA Membership, we could go swimming in the middle of winter, this was a big deal. One of the moms would drive us in to Portland to the Y and we would swim for an hour. The water was really cold and smelled of heavy chlorine but we had fun. There was the occasional mishap, like the day that lefty lost both his front teeth. Lefty was the shortest guy in the neighborhood but he was a really tough kid that didn’t take any crap. He was industrious; He’d earned a ten speed bicycle and a motor bike from his paper route. His older brother Ted and I used to shovel snow in the winter to make a little extra cash, he and lefty couldn’t get along long enough to team up so I did it. One night at the Y pool lefty jumped in and landed front teeth first on top of a kids head. He came up out of the water all bloody with a hole in his smile big enough to drive a truck through. The space those teeth left looked four times larger than the teeth themselves once they were out of his mouth. Ted and Lefty and their younger sister Mary Anne lived just down on Forest St, the street I walked on to get to school. We spent a lot of time playing hide and seek and board games like monopoly over at their house. Their dad lived in Kentucky and their mom worked as a waitress at Sportsman’s Bar and Grill, and made all their clothes by hand. She made jackets for winter, took extra sewing on the side and was really nice. That didn’t mean she didn’t holler when she needed to. One time when we were playing hide and seek, my grandfather pulled into the driveway to tell me that he was visiting my mom. I didn’t realize it was him at that second as Lefty made the observation, that’s the guy my mom sews for, when I looked and saw it was my grandfather my face went flush and I was really embarrassed. I said my grandfather, and he then realized the error, what a relief. A kid could get embarrassed over the littlest thing, even just a classmate seeing you at an odd time or riding with your parents. I’ve ducked down on trips back from the store as we drove past certain houses if kids we knew were playing in the street. That embarrassment wore off the closer we were to home, in our immediate neighborhood we didn’t care who saw us pulling into the yard. My mom could be in rollers or her robe and we could care less. Have her in a kerchief at the store and that was a different story. I’d always ask my dad before our food came, at a restaurant on the rarest of occasions when we would eat out, if he had remembered to bring his wallet. I would be mortified if he forgot his money and we had to wash dishes or something like that.
My first experience with customer service came with the delivery of papers along our route. The first stop was on the third floor over Matthews Store. Matthews, sat on the corner of Seavey St and Main, it was like a grocery store in miniature, larger than the two variety stores in town, but much smaller than the market where my mom shopped for our weekly groceries. The building was like a four unit apartment house on top of a store which took up the whole first floor. The entrance to Matthews was on Main Street in the front. This first delivery started on the apartment entrance on Seavey Street at the side of the building. The toughest by far, and a dreaded ordeal that happened every day, once it was done, save from out running a few dogs, the rest of the route was a price of cake. To begin the first delivery, you opened one side of a double door on the side of the building, climbed a steep wide staircase, about twenty worn wooden steps, walked past the Champagnes apartment which began immediately after the last step, on the second floor. You turned the corner and walked down a long darkened hallway with a dirty curtain covered window at the far end. Following that you turned and walked up a shorter stairway of 8 or 9 steps to a pitch dark hallway. As quickly as possible you reached around in the dark for the string that pulled on the 40 watt bulb hanging loosely from the ceiling. If you missed the string you fumbled around nervously to find it. If you managed to get the light with the first try, that wasn’t much better. It was still scary; you took the paper and tried to slide it down the hallway floor Frisbee style to the doorway at the end. Sometimes the paper stayed intact, other times the ads and sections would come apart and fly all over the place. We didn’t hang around long enough to find out. Once the deed was done, you took two quick steps and a jump down the remaining stairs to the first stairway, ran down the long upstairs hallway back tracking the way you came in, turned the corner by the Champaign’s, and broke several world speed records descending the last long steep stairway gathering your first real breath halfway down. One hand sliding along on the railing, with feet barely touching the stairs, you flew down the staircase, making actual contact with only every third step, hitting and opening the bottom door with a boom, out to the now brightly lit street, squinting for a moment against the sun. I didn’t own a pair of sunglasses until years later. That was one time delivering to Mrs. Burrow’s apartment, and that had to be done daily during the week; luckily she did not take the Sunday. Joey did his job and most days did not balk at delivering the first paper, as I had always done as Charlie’s helper, what he would not do, or very seldom without serious coaxing was to collect there. Collecting meant going through all the same steps as delivering with the added problem of having to walk the last hallway, knock on the door, stand there, at an outside door that was inside, and just wait. Wait alone, for that voice, to come to the door. “Who is it”, the crackling voice would say, “Collecting”, came the answer. “Wait a minute”, I’d hear the shuffling of feet and a walker, the door would open and the oldest woman in the world, besides my Auntie Melchers Mother Nana would come to the door. “You messed up all my papers and I had to pick them all up.” I’m sorry, I’ll speak to my brother about that, I’d say in a surprisingly normal voice, trembling inside that I might be eaten in a stew, I stayed put. Mrs. Burrows would count out the money and I would hear “See that you do better”, what she actually would say, while counting out seventy cents, was try to do better, I don’t like having to gather the paper all up. Finally collection in hand, we would turn and step lively and make haste to the outside. Some customers were never happy, since then in later life I have met many people who unlike Mrs. Burrows, who was kind and definitely had a point, make it a religion to never be satisfied with your first try at anything.
Finally my brother would come walking around the corner; sort of reluctantly he knew that he had responsibilities and that some how he had been recruited to help with a paper route. Joey was what I’d call a stubby looking kid, not over weight but just squat and square of build, he had a crew cut, Mom and Dad made him get, Mom thought he had the head for it, I told Mom that I wouldn’t be caught dead with a haircut like that, I was the fresh one, who sometimes talked back, and ducked a back hand, Joey didn’t ever put up much a fight with our parents. He had horned rimmed glasses, and usually a scab or scrape from some mishap on his forehead somewhere. Once Joey and I met up out front we would walk together towards Matthew’s Store a trip that took about 5 minutes. We’d pass two variety stores a drug store, a bank and a gas station along the way. My dad called this a one horse town; only later on in life did I realize what he meant.
“What took you so long” I would ask Joey, “I want to get going”. I had a lot better things to do than wait for him. Joey would say that his teacher had to help him on with his jacket or shoes ,or boots if it was winter, always something, it didn’t really matter that much when he was finally out here and we were on our way. Kids like me that had paper routes saved for mini bikes and wanted to get done with delivering and home to ride them. Joey Juner, that’s what mom called him, was paid 2.50 per week, a quarter of what I got to help with Seavey St. and deliver on weekdays after school. It got dark early and I needed the help to get done in before the sun went down. The route was divided into a Y shape with each of us taking a street, me Rochester him Seavey, and meeting up to finish, each of us finishing up by delivering one side of Rochester, that’s the street we lived on. We already knew every neighbor on our end, but having a paper route made us aware of every family along the way as well.
We didn’t just get this route; paper routes were very hard to come by, especially ones that finished close to home, I had to earn it by being our neighbor Charlie Cotes helper for a whole year. I started out in Joey’s current spot, Charlie would meet me at Matthews Store, he was older already in junior high and got out of school earlier and would always be there waiting for me. We’d start by dividing up the papers loading them into bags loaned to us by the Portland Press Herald, and I would do Seavey St. Charlie Cote was a nice kid, tall and thin, unkempt brown hair that he continually brushed to the side, he kept his head at an angle to help keep the bangs out of his eyes, he was soft spoken and kind, and I think he was glad to have the help. It saved him walking the length of one street and then back tracking to do the other half of Rochester. Charlie paid me 2.50, that’s where that figure came from, the one exception was that I had to show up at the Cote house on Sunday morning to help with deliveries. His kid sister was in my class, and his dad would ride us all on the tailgate of their station wagon, so we had nothing to carry so the delivering was easy.
My brother Joe only delivered Sunday if he felt like it, and that was the difference, sort of like a raise from what I had got to be a helper. Usually my little sister would come along to do the route on Sunday morning; she would wake up really early and ask if she could come. I’d get out our blue wagon and ride her along with me. She was a lot of fun to bring and good company, in summer we’d visit the laundry mat across the street from Matthews’s store where we picked up the papers. The laundry had a soda machine for summer and a hot chocolate machine for winter. Bins reward for coming along was her choice of either. I’d put a dime in and the cup would drop and then the best crushed ice I’ve ever tasted, the kind that really brings out the flavor of the drink. Cold is the most delicious temperature for a soda. After the ice we’d wait for the stream of soda to fill the small cup, there was no such thing as super size in the late 60’s, when the cup was full, I’d hand it to Bin. We both enjoyed chewing the finely crushed ice mixed with a few sips of soda. We drank it regular, with the sugar, the only people who drank diet soda were moms, who drank diet Pepsi, and I had tried diet soda once but hated the after taste of the saccharine. Bin road in the wagon and would ask, “Can I bring this one”, I’d say bring this paper to this house or that, always on the same side of the street as the wagon, while I’d run to the other side.
Like Charlie, I carried all the burden of collecting money, and dealing with customers, and the paper company, all the things that my brother at eight years old had no grasp of anyway. They’d send a man to the house once per week to settle up; usually mom did most of the talking, since she kept the books. At ten years old the task seemed daunting, so mom would give me a piece of paper and pencil and tell me to just write the names down of everyone who paid. She took care of all the details later and would make me a list of who still owed. Believe it or not in the small Mill Town that we lived a lot of the customers would say that they didn’t have the dollar ten, and for me to come back another time. That meant several extra trips by bicycle usually on the way to the store to pick up the funds that were due. I’d pull up to the walk way park my bike and then walk up to the door and knock. The best time would be just before or around supper time. Usually the dad would be home, sitting in a t-shirt with a beer cracked open, I’d say collecting, they knew why I was there but that was polite when you’re asking someone for money. The response would be I don’t have it today can you come back, tomorrow or next week. See 70 percent of the folks in town worked for the mill or for a store or company that served it. The mill bought the library, paid for our school Christmas parties, the fourth of July fireworks and all that, but they only paid the workers once per month. So folks bought in bulk and used to joke that there was too much month at the end of the money. Collecting was no easy task and some people could get behind by six weeks before they finally paid up, a bonanza though because it felt like a windfall, and would be a good boost to my finances. No matter what the excuse, collections had to be made and at least equal the amount owed to the Newspaper Company. They sent their man out every week to settle up. Our representative was a nice man named Mr. Kenniston, who would stretch to smell my Moms lilacs in the vase she kept in the center of the table. He’s say oh Sylvia those smell so nice. My mom thought he was a very gentle sort of man and enjoyed his visits and would offer coffee and conversation. We took the lilacs for granted cause during the right time of year our whole house would smell of fragrance from our neighbor Eleanor’s lilac bushes which ran the length of the lot line between our houses which were separated by just 10 feet. My dad thought it was funny how close the homes were and we would laugh as he would joke that we could reach out the window for them to pass the salt or mustard or something like that. To make a little extra money once in a while I would tell Mr. Kenniston that we had to buy a couple of papers at Matthews store and that we would need to be reimbursed. He’d count out fifteen cents for each one claimed short and pass us the coins, sometimes it was actually true, but this was what all the kids with paper routes talked about doing. We all got together weekly because of our one benefit which was a YMCA Membership, we could go swimming in the middle of winter, this was a big deal. One of the moms would drive us in to Portland to the Y and we would swim for an hour. The water was really cold and smelled of heavy chlorine but we had fun. There was the occasional mishap, like the day that lefty lost both his front teeth. Lefty was the shortest guy in the neighborhood but he was a really tough kid that didn’t take any crap. He was industrious; He’d earned a ten speed bicycle and a motor bike from his paper route. His older brother Ted and I used to shovel snow in the winter to make a little extra cash, he and lefty couldn’t get along long enough to team up so I did it. One night at the Y pool lefty jumped in and landed front teeth first on top of a kids head. He came up out of the water all bloody with a hole in his smile big enough to drive a truck through. The space those teeth left looked four times larger than the teeth themselves once they were out of his mouth. Ted and Lefty and their younger sister Mary Anne lived just down on Forest St, the street I walked on to get to school. We spent a lot of time playing hide and seek and board games like monopoly over at their house. Their dad lived in Kentucky and their mom worked as a waitress at Sportsman’s Bar and Grill, and made all their clothes by hand. She made jackets for winter, took extra sewing on the side and was really nice. That didn’t mean she didn’t holler when she needed to. One time when we were playing hide and seek, my grandfather pulled into the driveway to tell me that he was visiting my mom. I didn’t realize it was him at that second as Lefty made the observation, that’s the guy my mom sews for, when I looked and saw it was my grandfather my face went flush and I was really embarrassed. I said my grandfather, and he then realized the error, what a relief. A kid could get embarrassed over the littlest thing, even just a classmate seeing you at an odd time or riding with your parents. I’ve ducked down on trips back from the store as we drove past certain houses if kids we knew were playing in the street. That embarrassment wore off the closer we were to home, in our immediate neighborhood we didn’t care who saw us pulling into the yard. My mom could be in rollers or her robe and we could care less. Have her in a kerchief at the store and that was a different story. I’d always ask my dad before our food came, at a restaurant on the rarest of occasions when we would eat out, if he had remembered to bring his wallet. I would be mortified if he forgot his money and we had to wash dishes or something like that.
My first experience with customer service came with the delivery of papers along our route. The first stop was on the third floor over Matthews Store. Matthews, sat on the corner of Seavey St and Main, it was like a grocery store in miniature, larger than the two variety stores in town, but much smaller than the market where my mom shopped for our weekly groceries. The building was like a four unit apartment house on top of a store which took up the whole first floor. The entrance to Matthews was on Main Street in the front. This first delivery started on the apartment entrance on Seavey Street at the side of the building. The toughest by far, and a dreaded ordeal that happened every day, once it was done, save from out running a few dogs, the rest of the route was a price of cake. To begin the first delivery, you opened one side of a double door on the side of the building, climbed a steep wide staircase, about twenty worn wooden steps, walked past the Champagnes apartment which began immediately after the last step, on the second floor. You turned the corner and walked down a long darkened hallway with a dirty curtain covered window at the far end. Following that you turned and walked up a shorter stairway of 8 or 9 steps to a pitch dark hallway. As quickly as possible you reached around in the dark for the string that pulled on the 40 watt bulb hanging loosely from the ceiling. If you missed the string you fumbled around nervously to find it. If you managed to get the light with the first try, that wasn’t much better. It was still scary; you took the paper and tried to slide it down the hallway floor Frisbee style to the doorway at the end. Sometimes the paper stayed intact, other times the ads and sections would come apart and fly all over the place. We didn’t hang around long enough to find out. Once the deed was done, you took two quick steps and a jump down the remaining stairs to the first stairway, ran down the long upstairs hallway back tracking the way you came in, turned the corner by the Champaign’s, and broke several world speed records descending the last long steep stairway gathering your first real breath halfway down. One hand sliding along on the railing, with feet barely touching the stairs, you flew down the staircase, making actual contact with only every third step, hitting and opening the bottom door with a boom, out to the now brightly lit street, squinting for a moment against the sun. I didn’t own a pair of sunglasses until years later. That was one time delivering to Mrs. Burrow’s apartment, and that had to be done daily during the week; luckily she did not take the Sunday. Joey did his job and most days did not balk at delivering the first paper, as I had always done as Charlie’s helper, what he would not do, or very seldom without serious coaxing was to collect there. Collecting meant going through all the same steps as delivering with the added problem of having to walk the last hallway, knock on the door, stand there, at an outside door that was inside, and just wait. Wait alone, for that voice, to come to the door. “Who is it”, the crackling voice would say, “Collecting”, came the answer. “Wait a minute”, I’d hear the shuffling of feet and a walker, the door would open and the oldest woman in the world, besides my Auntie Melchers Mother Nana would come to the door. “You messed up all my papers and I had to pick them all up.” I’m sorry, I’ll speak to my brother about that, I’d say in a surprisingly normal voice, trembling inside that I might be eaten in a stew, I stayed put. Mrs. Burrows would count out the money and I would hear “See that you do better”, what she actually would say, while counting out seventy cents, was try to do better, I don’t like having to gather the paper all up. Finally collection in hand, we would turn and step lively and make haste to the outside. Some customers were never happy, since then in later life I have met many people who unlike Mrs. Burrows, who was kind and definitely had a point, make it a religion to never be satisfied with your first try at anything.
Check out the Video of Lisa wants a baby
Hi Everyone- I'm on a journey-my book is going to be out Jan 15+/- Check out this video I made of Lisa Wants a Baby
My Journey from writng to publication cont...
My journey to getting a publisher-here’s the Synopsis I sent-comment if you thing this would make a good movie
September 4, 2012
JACK CANON is going to be President of the United States—no matter what!
His destiny: To someday have the power–to use the highest office in the land–to make things right.
Jack and his loyal group of friends are going to change America, but first they must break all the rules in Washington. Beginning with campaign finance law–ending with murder, Jack and company embark on a thrill ride that tests them at every turn!
America is like a once powerful locomotive that has left the tracks on a collision course with economic disaster. Ordinary Americans are suffering from the longest recession in United States History. Jack knows there’s plenty to go around and changes to a corrupt system will improve people’s lives. Born into great wealth and privilege, at a tender age Jack sees injustice that forever molds and drives his life’s purpose. Now a three term Senator from Kentucky; making a second run for the Presidency, he thinks he knows what it’s going to take.
The price turns out to be far greater than he planned.
Focus on changing pressing social issues – concentration of wealth and energy in America–
makes powerful enemies. Wolves come bearing gifts; Jack gets involved with rogue billionaires, “Big Oil”, even the mob. The heir to the fourth largest fortune in America has his eye on the Senator. During a major fundraiser at his lavish home, billionaire GENE HOBBS pulls Jack into the library for a meeting…
The ceilings are 30 feet high. Three walls hold books up to about the first 15 feet, just above a platform circles three quarters of the room. Opposite the door are five, floor to ceiling arched windows. Each is partially opened allowing the outside winter cold to fight with the heat in the room. On the landing above the bookshelves are housed various artifacts of torture.
“These are from the collection of King Henry,” Gene boasted. Visible are guillotines, stretching racks and other devices all made of aged wood and iron. Some have big weathered chain links hanging and leather straps. There are black iron turning wheels, the sight is gruesome. Gene motioned to a large axe with a semi circular blade and an unusually long thick handle. “This is my prized piece of the entire collection – the axe used to behead Katherine, King Henry’s youngest bride.” Mounted next to the axe on a polished cherry post was a scrap of parchment. Next to it carved in gold lettering over black onyx is inscribed–an onlooker. The
parchment was faded to an almost illegible degree and kept behind glass. The words transferred onto the stone told the eerie account of the misty morning when the helpless fair haired young
girl, forced to lay under the weight of the wealth of England, was led to her death. The inscribed read–Queen Katherine emerged just before 9 in the morning. A chilling rain the night before turned the courtyard muddy to our ankles. The streets contained the foul smell of chicken scratch and horse urine slurried into the mix. Gawkers pushed for position straining to see the delicate teenager as she walked barefoot clothed only in a plain linen dress. The exposed portion of her breasts so pale I could see the ghostly blue gray vein patchwork just beneath. The last time I had seen the young queen she was amazing, the most beautiful women in all England. Fancily dressed and bright riding in an open coach smiling sweetly waving to her subjects, I fancied the thought our eyes might have met for a second. ‘Spill her blood,’ a spectator called out. I thought what cowards this mob content to stand by and watch each greedily clinging to his own life, any one of which could be wrenched from him in a second. This bitter gray morning the little queen made her way slowly up to the old worn wooden steps, pausing briefly, turning sad Doe- Eyes back to the crowd. A pitiful thin waif of a child so helpless and demure, Katherine continued up the stairs, ascending carefully. Gripping the railing as if it could be her mother’s hand, hoping somehow she might be swept away from all this.
Once upon the platform, facing the crowd full on her limbs looked tiny, the simple dress hanging over her nearly shapeless frame. She wore no jewelry, her only adornment long hair–perfectly combed. The henchman placed her firmly in front of the block, with only a blank helpless stare Katherine moved her beautiful hair to one side exposing her slender neck. I waited for her to jump to her feet and scream out in defiance, “What have I done that your precious king isn’t guilty of?” Laying her head sideways on the block she awaited her fate in silence. The black hooded killer drew back – I heard her neck crack, then a thud as the girls head crashed to the platform floor. Steam rose from the blood pouring making a warm pool, the lifeless body slumped behind the block.
Gene Hobbs had acquired one of the only surviving accounts of the gruesome event. One can only imagine onlookers rushing to write on whatever they could find to recount the scene. The metaphor of the rich over the poor and the machinery of torture made Jack shudder. Reading the account he felt sickened by the horror of the day, for lost innocence and the tyranny of the time. What a waste of a beautiful young life, what a disgrace for England.
Jack cares deeply for his friends. One of his top staffers, LISA has almost given up on finding a man. Feeling lonely, frumpy and overwhelmed; her tears are flowing like rain during an emotional lunch date with her boss.
There’s gotta be more to life than her job, even if she is the best Political Strategist in Washington. In an effort to cheer Lisa up, Jack offers to take her to the mall to buy her a new outfit. He feels responsible for her feelings since he was the one who convinced Hobbs to buy SANDY a New Mercedes. Lisa was hurt, after all women talk and Lisa knows Jack’s not sleeping with her. He’s happily married; can he help it that his best friend Sandy, the office manager, just happens to be jaw dropping beautiful?
In a moment of weakness Jack bets Lisa that he can find her someone within a year; after all if he really cares for her, he reasons he’s gotta help. Besides…Lisa wants a baby! His baby…Invitro.
Watch as Jack and Lisa, are greeted by a beautiful woman at a salon during their trip to the mall…Close up her face looked smooth as silk like it was in soft focus. The delicate features reminded of a new fawn with giant eyes and a turned up nose. Jack thought the lighting must be magnificent so he looked over at Lisa to test the theory.
Lisa shot a look like ‘don’t you dare compare me to her.’ It wasn’t the lighting. The beautiful woman is DAPHNE. Jack ends up hiring her to intimidate and manage the press on the campaign trail.
Jack has the kindest heart, but when Lisa turns up dead, he is forced to fight back using extreme measures. A nationwide manhunt reveals the unthinkable—the President of the United States has ordered the murder to derail Jack’s campaign.
Jack calls on his head of security, TIP, an ex-agency operative to clean up the mess. America’s most lethal assassin is unleashed to exact vengeance on the three men responsible. Disguised as an older person in a wheelchair, Tip sets up and executes the guilty; first, Gene Hobbs, then Mob Boss, TOMMY SANTORO, and finally the President himself. Killing President GIL BARKER is no easy task. Framing Tommy Santoro for the murder—Priceless. The getaway is filled with suspense as Washington goes into chaos. Tip must go to plan B to escape.
Jack struggles with the compromise of ideals, and realization as President they never end. Despite obstacles, Jack proves stronger, determined to fight; ready to risk it all for the greater good. Each dilemma leaves Jack and his loyal team choosing again. Take the journey of a man with charisma, contacts, good looks and a fun loving attitude; who still takes the time to listen and help staff members with their problems. Crime and corruption are interlaced with tender moments of relationship, family, illness, and life on the campaign trail. The pace is quick, and we are left to wonder what lies ahead. This heartfelt story will have you burst out laughing,
make you cry, get you excited, even angry; as you find yourself wanting Jack Canon for President! Go behind the scenes with a group of friends and find out what it really takes to win the White House.
We all wish for a better life; and dream of making a difference. The fat cats have been hoarding wealth for two centuries, the system is corrupt and nobody but Jack has the guts to change it. In an age of suffering Jack Canon brings hope. You will believe! Jack is a Presidential Candidate that woman fall head over heals for and men want to be like. You’ll forgive all he must do to break the cycle of greed in America. You’ll be routing for Jack as he fights fire with fire so hot the pages singe. You won’t want to miss a thing.
JACK CANON is going to be President of the United States—no matter what!
His destiny: To someday have the power–to use the highest office in the land–to make things right.
Jack and his loyal group of friends are going to change America, but first they must break all the rules in Washington. Beginning with campaign finance law–ending with murder, Jack and company embark on a thrill ride that tests them at every turn!
America is like a once powerful locomotive that has left the tracks on a collision course with economic disaster. Ordinary Americans are suffering from the longest recession in United States History. Jack knows there’s plenty to go around and changes to a corrupt system will improve people’s lives. Born into great wealth and privilege, at a tender age Jack sees injustice that forever molds and drives his life’s purpose. Now a three term Senator from Kentucky; making a second run for the Presidency, he thinks he knows what it’s going to take.
The price turns out to be far greater than he planned.
Focus on changing pressing social issues – concentration of wealth and energy in America–
makes powerful enemies. Wolves come bearing gifts; Jack gets involved with rogue billionaires, “Big Oil”, even the mob. The heir to the fourth largest fortune in America has his eye on the Senator. During a major fundraiser at his lavish home, billionaire GENE HOBBS pulls Jack into the library for a meeting…
The ceilings are 30 feet high. Three walls hold books up to about the first 15 feet, just above a platform circles three quarters of the room. Opposite the door are five, floor to ceiling arched windows. Each is partially opened allowing the outside winter cold to fight with the heat in the room. On the landing above the bookshelves are housed various artifacts of torture.
“These are from the collection of King Henry,” Gene boasted. Visible are guillotines, stretching racks and other devices all made of aged wood and iron. Some have big weathered chain links hanging and leather straps. There are black iron turning wheels, the sight is gruesome. Gene motioned to a large axe with a semi circular blade and an unusually long thick handle. “This is my prized piece of the entire collection – the axe used to behead Katherine, King Henry’s youngest bride.” Mounted next to the axe on a polished cherry post was a scrap of parchment. Next to it carved in gold lettering over black onyx is inscribed–an onlooker. The
parchment was faded to an almost illegible degree and kept behind glass. The words transferred onto the stone told the eerie account of the misty morning when the helpless fair haired young
girl, forced to lay under the weight of the wealth of England, was led to her death. The inscribed read–Queen Katherine emerged just before 9 in the morning. A chilling rain the night before turned the courtyard muddy to our ankles. The streets contained the foul smell of chicken scratch and horse urine slurried into the mix. Gawkers pushed for position straining to see the delicate teenager as she walked barefoot clothed only in a plain linen dress. The exposed portion of her breasts so pale I could see the ghostly blue gray vein patchwork just beneath. The last time I had seen the young queen she was amazing, the most beautiful women in all England. Fancily dressed and bright riding in an open coach smiling sweetly waving to her subjects, I fancied the thought our eyes might have met for a second. ‘Spill her blood,’ a spectator called out. I thought what cowards this mob content to stand by and watch each greedily clinging to his own life, any one of which could be wrenched from him in a second. This bitter gray morning the little queen made her way slowly up to the old worn wooden steps, pausing briefly, turning sad Doe- Eyes back to the crowd. A pitiful thin waif of a child so helpless and demure, Katherine continued up the stairs, ascending carefully. Gripping the railing as if it could be her mother’s hand, hoping somehow she might be swept away from all this.
Once upon the platform, facing the crowd full on her limbs looked tiny, the simple dress hanging over her nearly shapeless frame. She wore no jewelry, her only adornment long hair–perfectly combed. The henchman placed her firmly in front of the block, with only a blank helpless stare Katherine moved her beautiful hair to one side exposing her slender neck. I waited for her to jump to her feet and scream out in defiance, “What have I done that your precious king isn’t guilty of?” Laying her head sideways on the block she awaited her fate in silence. The black hooded killer drew back – I heard her neck crack, then a thud as the girls head crashed to the platform floor. Steam rose from the blood pouring making a warm pool, the lifeless body slumped behind the block.
Gene Hobbs had acquired one of the only surviving accounts of the gruesome event. One can only imagine onlookers rushing to write on whatever they could find to recount the scene. The metaphor of the rich over the poor and the machinery of torture made Jack shudder. Reading the account he felt sickened by the horror of the day, for lost innocence and the tyranny of the time. What a waste of a beautiful young life, what a disgrace for England.
Jack cares deeply for his friends. One of his top staffers, LISA has almost given up on finding a man. Feeling lonely, frumpy and overwhelmed; her tears are flowing like rain during an emotional lunch date with her boss.
There’s gotta be more to life than her job, even if she is the best Political Strategist in Washington. In an effort to cheer Lisa up, Jack offers to take her to the mall to buy her a new outfit. He feels responsible for her feelings since he was the one who convinced Hobbs to buy SANDY a New Mercedes. Lisa was hurt, after all women talk and Lisa knows Jack’s not sleeping with her. He’s happily married; can he help it that his best friend Sandy, the office manager, just happens to be jaw dropping beautiful?
In a moment of weakness Jack bets Lisa that he can find her someone within a year; after all if he really cares for her, he reasons he’s gotta help. Besides…Lisa wants a baby! His baby…Invitro.
Watch as Jack and Lisa, are greeted by a beautiful woman at a salon during their trip to the mall…Close up her face looked smooth as silk like it was in soft focus. The delicate features reminded of a new fawn with giant eyes and a turned up nose. Jack thought the lighting must be magnificent so he looked over at Lisa to test the theory.
Lisa shot a look like ‘don’t you dare compare me to her.’ It wasn’t the lighting. The beautiful woman is DAPHNE. Jack ends up hiring her to intimidate and manage the press on the campaign trail.
Jack has the kindest heart, but when Lisa turns up dead, he is forced to fight back using extreme measures. A nationwide manhunt reveals the unthinkable—the President of the United States has ordered the murder to derail Jack’s campaign.
Jack calls on his head of security, TIP, an ex-agency operative to clean up the mess. America’s most lethal assassin is unleashed to exact vengeance on the three men responsible. Disguised as an older person in a wheelchair, Tip sets up and executes the guilty; first, Gene Hobbs, then Mob Boss, TOMMY SANTORO, and finally the President himself. Killing President GIL BARKER is no easy task. Framing Tommy Santoro for the murder—Priceless. The getaway is filled with suspense as Washington goes into chaos. Tip must go to plan B to escape.
Jack struggles with the compromise of ideals, and realization as President they never end. Despite obstacles, Jack proves stronger, determined to fight; ready to risk it all for the greater good. Each dilemma leaves Jack and his loyal team choosing again. Take the journey of a man with charisma, contacts, good looks and a fun loving attitude; who still takes the time to listen and help staff members with their problems. Crime and corruption are interlaced with tender moments of relationship, family, illness, and life on the campaign trail. The pace is quick, and we are left to wonder what lies ahead. This heartfelt story will have you burst out laughing,
make you cry, get you excited, even angry; as you find yourself wanting Jack Canon for President! Go behind the scenes with a group of friends and find out what it really takes to win the White House.
We all wish for a better life; and dream of making a difference. The fat cats have been hoarding wealth for two centuries, the system is corrupt and nobody but Jack has the guts to change it. In an age of suffering Jack Canon brings hope. You will believe! Jack is a Presidential Candidate that woman fall head over heals for and men want to be like. You’ll forgive all he must do to break the cycle of greed in America. You’ll be routing for Jack as he fights fire with fire so hot the pages singe. You won’t want to miss a thing.
Video Lisa wants a Baby from Jack Canon All In
Hey Check out this video I made on Youtube-Lisa wants a baby-loosely based on Jack and Lisa's Trip to an Italian restaurant to cheer her up/ Please comment on these posts and let me know what you think...
Monday, September 3, 2012
Brief Synopis-Look for the Longer version tomorrow morning
Brief Synopis-Look for the Longer version tomorrow morning.
What does it really take to win the highest office? Wolves come bearing gifts, villains seek to control; can the powerful to be used and then abandoned? Billionaire Financiers, the Supreme Court, even the current President; creepy and corrupt, malefactor's all, attempt to derail the campaign. Will they exploit Jack's greatest weakness, his kind heart?
A story that must be told...
The longest recession in history has left ordinary Americans hurting, millions have lost their homes. People are hungry, some are freezing. The rich have gotten richer and wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few. Senator Jack Canon, a rising star in Washington, knows he can make a difference...but at what price?
We meet Jack at the tender age of ten when his parents take him on a missionary trip to Africa; he sees great injustice that forever molds and drives his life's purpose. We join a present day quest for the White House; flashing back through the lens of life, to first love, coming of age and privilege. Thematic struggles, the compromise of ideals, a reckoning; how far is he willing to go? Each dilemma has us choosing, a twist on the classic tale of good verses evil; would we have the courage to risk it all for the greater good?
Take the journey of a man whose charisma, charm and good looks earn him a fanatic following; still he takes the time to listen, love and help his friends. Crime and corruption interlaced with tender moments, relationship and the hectic life on the campaign trail. The pace is quick, we can hardly wait to see what happens next...
Watch as Jack and Lisa, one of his loyal staffers, are greeted by a beautiful woman at an upscale hair salon...
Close up her face looked smooth as silk like she was in soft focus. Her delicate features reminded me of a new fawn with giant eyes and a turned up nose. I thought the lighting must be magnificent in here so I looked over at Lisa to test the theory.
Lisa shot me a look like 'don't you dare compare me to her.' It wasn't the lighting.
This heartfelt story will have you laughing and crying, fill you with joy, get your heart pounding, even make you angry; as you find yourself routing for Jack!
My Dad and Mom were artists, my father painted and my mother wrote poetry and loved to garden. Most Saturdays we loaded up the 1970 Chevy Impala to trek to a one man show somewhere or other. I took a different track graduating with a business degree; owning and operating an Award Winning Franchise. Currently a professional manager I am living in Florida with my beautiful wife and children, following my passion.
What does it really take to win the highest office? Wolves come bearing gifts, villains seek to control; can the powerful to be used and then abandoned? Billionaire Financiers, the Supreme Court, even the current President; creepy and corrupt, malefactor's all, attempt to derail the campaign. Will they exploit Jack's greatest weakness, his kind heart?
A story that must be told...
The longest recession in history has left ordinary Americans hurting, millions have lost their homes. People are hungry, some are freezing. The rich have gotten richer and wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few. Senator Jack Canon, a rising star in Washington, knows he can make a difference...but at what price?
We meet Jack at the tender age of ten when his parents take him on a missionary trip to Africa; he sees great injustice that forever molds and drives his life's purpose. We join a present day quest for the White House; flashing back through the lens of life, to first love, coming of age and privilege. Thematic struggles, the compromise of ideals, a reckoning; how far is he willing to go? Each dilemma has us choosing, a twist on the classic tale of good verses evil; would we have the courage to risk it all for the greater good?
Take the journey of a man whose charisma, charm and good looks earn him a fanatic following; still he takes the time to listen, love and help his friends. Crime and corruption interlaced with tender moments, relationship and the hectic life on the campaign trail. The pace is quick, we can hardly wait to see what happens next...
Watch as Jack and Lisa, one of his loyal staffers, are greeted by a beautiful woman at an upscale hair salon...
Close up her face looked smooth as silk like she was in soft focus. Her delicate features reminded me of a new fawn with giant eyes and a turned up nose. I thought the lighting must be magnificent in here so I looked over at Lisa to test the theory.
Lisa shot me a look like 'don't you dare compare me to her.' It wasn't the lighting.
This heartfelt story will have you laughing and crying, fill you with joy, get your heart pounding, even make you angry; as you find yourself routing for Jack!
My Dad and Mom were artists, my father painted and my mother wrote poetry and loved to garden. Most Saturdays we loaded up the 1970 Chevy Impala to trek to a one man show somewhere or other. I took a different track graduating with a business degree; owning and operating an Award Winning Franchise. Currently a professional manager I am living in Florida with my beautiful wife and children, following my passion.
When Jack met Daphne - from Jack Canon All In
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