Monday, September 29, 2014

"Gabby, Angel of God", Is a Fun, Spiritual Awakening Adventure

"Gabby, Angel of God", Is a Fun, Spiritual Awakening Adventure: “Gabby Angel of God”, has been described on Amazon as, “Amazing, Intuitive and Enlightening” and “Entertaining, Thought Provoking and Optimistic”. The book introduces readers to Bo,  a young widower who feels he has lost everything until he meets an angel; Gabby and finds that his life is just beginning. Gabby is an angel of God who shows him that life is always full of surprises, adventures and a lot more meaning than we can easily fathom. She shows Bo how to help others, be open to love again and find the hidden strength that lies within all of us. It is a story with heart and hope that will take you on an adventure of faith with one amazing angel.

Monday, September 15, 2014

A Must Read Inspiring Novel Called Gabby, Angel of God

A Must Read Inspiring Novel Called Gabby, Angel of God: Gabby the shortened name for Gabriella, Angel of God, is an inspiring novel that is focused on providing help and encouragement to people when in trouble. The novel, since it production date has been on sale at Amazon Website: